
[Caution] Rgarding Omicron strain of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)


[Caution] Regarding Omicron strain of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Since the end of last year, the highly infectious mutant Omicron strain appeared, and it is expected that the infection will spread rapidly in Japan. There are still many medical unclear points about the Omicron strain, but it is said as follows now

1. Much more infectious than traditional mutants

2. Vaccinated people have a risk of getting infected

3. It is said that symptoms are relatively mild


The following two points are important as measures to prevent the spread of Omicron strains.Whether you have been vaccinated or not.

   If you have a fever or cold-like symptoms, go to the hospital and take PCR test.

   Even if your symptoms are mild, refrain from going to campus and stay at home.


* If you have no symptoms but have a possibility of infection or anxiety for COVID-19, take a free PCR test.

About free test center: https://www.pref.fukuoka.lg.jp/contents/muryou1.htmlp)


Its required more to be thorough about standard precautions (wearing mask, hand washing, physical distance of 1.5m or more) than ever before.

Also, be mindful of room ventilation in winter. For ventilation of the room, keep multiple windows always open 10-15 cm width, or open all windows fully every 30 minutes for a few minutes.


If you have a fever (37.5) or cold-like symptoms, follow the COVID-19 flowchart.In that case, please be sure to contact KIT Iizuka Health Center.

Flowchart: https://www.kyutech.ac.jp/media/001/202112/flowchart_student.pdf

E-mail (KIT Iizuka Health Center):  i.COVID-19.stu@jimu.kyutech.ac.jp

