
Review of the Concept of Wearing Masks etc. ~Request for Continued Thorough Infection Control Measures ~


Review of the Concept of Wearing Masks, etc.    

Request for Continued Thorough Infection Control Measures

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has notified us that, unless special circumstances arise, such as the emergence of a mutant strain with significantly different virulence from the Omicron strain, the wearing of masks at the University will be left to individual judgment from April 1, 2023. Therefore, as of April 1, the wearing of masks in education and research activities within the University will be left to the discretion of the individual.

 However, those who fall into the following categories (1) to (6) are requested to wear masks. Non-woven masks are recommended.


(1) Those who have even a slight symptom of a cold

(2) Those who are at risk of becoming seriously ill if infected with a new type of coronavirus

(3) Those who have family members living with a positive person

(4) Those who may have had close contact with a positive person

(5) Persons who have not yet passed 10 days since the onset of coronavirus infection.

(6) Those who use crowded trains or buses during rush hours to commute to work or school (during the ride only).


Please note that the current measures apply to educational and research activities at the University until March 31, 2023, and we ask that you continue to take appropriate measures.


New coronavirus infections are not a disease of the past. More than 100 years have passed since the first pandemic, the Spanish flu pandemic, and medical knowledge has not accumulated to the same degree as for influenza, so there are still many unknowns and unresolved issues. Although the eighth wave is considered to have largely subsided, it is quite possible that the ninth and subsequent waves of infectious spread will strike in a short while. Furthermore, there is a possibility that a mutant strain with stronger infectivity and virulence than the conventional strain will emerge and spread rapidly. The situation is not yet reassuring.

 Even after the concept of wearing masks has been revised, we ask for your understanding and cooperation in the University's infection control measures, such as "keeping distance between people," "hand washing and other hand hygiene," and "ventilation. 

